The definitive examination of the art and animation of Studio Ghiblis masterpiece of fantasy and flight, Castle in the Sky!
The latest in the perennially popular line of Studio Ghibli art books, which include interviews, concept sketches and finished animation cels from classics such asSpirited AwayandMy Neighbor Totoro.
Hayao MiyazakisCastle in the Skywas the first feature film produced by the legendary Studio Ghibli. Sheeta, a girl who has the power to defy gravity, is on the run from pirates when she meets the young inventor Pazu. Together they explore the secrets of Laputa, a flying city constructed by a long-lost race of people. All of Miyazakis major themesthe power of flight, the bravery of young women, and a world wrecked by changeare captured with beautiful animation and joyous storytelling.