In the world of Tokyo Ghoul, sometimes the only way to fight monsters is to become one
The Commission of Counter Ghoul is the only organization fighting the Ghoul menace, and they will use every tool at their disposal to protect humanity from its ultimate predator. Their newest weapon in this hidden war is an experimental procedure that implants human investigators with a Ghouls Kagune, giving them Ghoul powers and abilities. But both the procedure and the newly formed Qs Squad are untested. Will they become heroesor monsters?!
The GhoulCCG alliance secures its first victory when it rescues Kaneki from the monster he was entombed within. But the creature still poses a dire threat to the city as it continues to birth mutant Ghouls, some of which are infecting humans with a horrific form of Ghoulism! The only cure lies deep in the belly of the beast itself, and Kaneki is determined to find it. But will this act of bravery be the final strike to end the war or Kanekis last stand?!